“Constant search for educational excellence and personal growth”

Somos un colegio certificado por Cambridge

Desde el año 2017, nuestro colegio ha contado con el prestigioso reconocimiento y certificación de Cambridge International, siendo parte de su programa Cambridge Assessment International Education. Como tal, desde sus etapas de educación inicial, nuestros/as estudiantes son parte de un completo programa de educación donde buscamos que desarrollen habilidades del siglo XXI en un contexto inmerso del idioma inglés. En concreto, Cambridge busca preparar a sus estudiantes para la vida, y desarrollar en ellos una curiosidad informada y pasión por aprender. Los estudiantes Cambridge destacan por ser alumnos reflexivos, innovadores, comprometidos, responsables y confiados, atributos que sin duda les apoyarán en la vida adulta y los desafíos que el mundo globalizado impone.

Presente en más de 160 países y 10.000 colegios a lo largo del mundo, el currículum educativo de Cambridge International destaca por sus altos estándares, exigencias y grandes metas que alcanzan nuestros estudiantes.


According to the ideals that allowed the creation of this school, our job is focused on spirituality and human being trascendence.
With this as a life vision, we are set to educate in an integration project that will put together armoniously and affectionally two essential factors in the development of the human being we want to form: school and family.
With this objective, the statements of the christian humanist philosophy constitutes the cross specifications in every stage of our task.


Promover alumnos seguros de sí mismos, reflexivos, innovadores y comprometidos con su aprendizaje, preparados para el mundo global mediante el cultivo de principios sólidos y la excelencia académica; pero al mismo tiempo empáticos con el prójimo y el medio ambiente, en un contexto totalmente bilingüe.

Aquí podrás descargar nuestro Proyecto Educativo Institucional. 

Student's profile

The kendal student is optimistic and above all looks for his growth and improvement as an individual, prioritizing a solid, affectionate and spiritual development embracing all aspects that contribute to the full development of their personality.
He is happy and has a deep spiritual life, he sees life as god´s gift where he can leave an enduring print of nobel actions.
He believes in study as a tool to face and change the world.
He is respectful and kind. Loves truth and commitment.

Kendal tutor/parent

Kendal tutor is the crucial colaborator who stimulates the student to fulfill his duties. He cheers and encourages the student in a positive way. He is a school ally in the joined task of educating our youth. He/she attends all requested meetings needed to foster the bond between family and school keeping a cordial and enriched dialogue.
He/she respects and helps to fulfill regulations stablished by the school.
He/she is commited and active within the school community.

Teacher profile

The kendal teacher is convinced there is no more enriching work than teaching.
Therefore, he/she is in constant process of preparation and self improvement, because this is the only way he/she will be able to fulfill what give sense to his/her job, what is to help forming the human beings we want to have. Our teacher does not deliver knowledge, he/she teaches how to learn them. He/she works hard strengthening knowledge and habilities demanded by his /her area and at the same time gives his/her all to enrich spirituality in our children and teenagers.
The purpose of this is to have them achieve the emotional stability they need in their lives. He/she is always paying attention to the student´s needs.
He/she is warm and affectionate. His/her commitment with the school project is complete.